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What is sexual harassment

Sexual harassment is a type of bullying that we want to pay special attention to at our university. The UniSAFE pan-European survey, which mapped the prevalence of violence and sexual harassment at universities, showed that 62% of people (students and employees) had experienced some form of this type of violence.

Sexual harassment is any form of unsolicited verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. It is behaviour that makes the other party uncomfortable, reduces their dignity and creates a hostile environment (whether intentionally or unintentionally).

The harasser’s intentions are irrelevant in determining whether harassment has occurred. Even behaviour under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not justifiable in the case of sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment may involve a single incident or repeated acts. It may occur among students or among employees, by employees against students, or by students against employees.

Types of sexual harassment

  • Sexual remarks about someone’s body, clothing or behaviour.
  • Inquiring about sexual and intimate life, but also sharing one’s own sexual life in a harassing way.
  • Unrequited flirting, unwelcome sexual advances, inappropriate requests for dates.
  • Unsolicited emails or messages of a sexual nature.
  • Obscene gestures, shouting, whistling at someone (catcalling).
  • Unsolicited photographs of a sexual nature.
  • Staring.
  • Groping, touching without permission.
  • Violation of physical boundaries.
  • Demanding sexual favours in exchange for something of value.
  • Sexual coercion or rape.

Gender-based harassment, i.e., the application of gender stereotypes in the form of jokes, remarks, comments or derogatory comments about women and men, their sexual orientation or gender identity, is also considered sexual harassment.

This list of acts of sexual and gender-based harassment is indicative only. It also depends on you and your boundaries. Behaviour acceptable to one individual may be unacceptable to another. You always have the right to object.