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Bullying and sexual harassment have very serious consequences for the individual, the team and the organisation where they occur. Such behaviour creates an unpleasant and ineffective working and learning environment.


  • Nízká produktivita práce.
  • Vysoká fluktuace zaměstnanců.
  • Snížení kvality výuky.
  • Zvýšená studijní neúspěšnost.
  • Špatná pověst organizace.
  • Nepříjemné pracovní a studijní klima.
  • Nezdravá organizační kultura.
  • Finanční postihy (např. pokuta od Inspektorátu práce).

To vše komplikuje řízení univerzity a zvyšuje finanční náklady na její chod.

Impact on individuals

Reduced self-esteem and self-confidence.

Shame for what happened to me.

Feelings of guilt.

Fear of going to work/school.



Post-traumatic stress disorder.


Health problems (nausea, headaches, increased fatigue, sleep disorders).

Reduced concentration, motivation, slower work pace, increased error rate.

Social isolation.

Termination of employment.

Early termination of studies.

Carrying the unpleasant experience into subsequent professional and personal life.

The stigma of being a victim.

Impacts on the team

Deterioration of the atmosphere.

Disruption of mutual trust.

Disruption of cooperation.


Personnel changes.


Risks for MENDELU

Low labour productivity.

High employee turnover.

Reduced quality of teaching.

Increased rate of academic failure.

Bad reputation of the organisation.

Unpleasant working and learning climate.

Unhealthy organisational culture.

Financial penalties (e.g., fines imposed by the Labour Inspectorate).

All this complicates the management of the university and increases the financial costs of its operation.