Control and internal audits
The internal auditor is responsible for control and internal audit issues
- According to Metodického pokynu rektora č. 5/2023 Stanovení koordinátorů pro komunikaci rizik is the internal auditor the corruption risk coordinator.
- According to směrnice rektora 3/2022 Interní protikorupční program:
- Managers and staff of the Human Resources Management Department forward all reports of suspected corrupt behaviour to the Internal Auditor, who maintains a central register of cases of corrupt behaviour and a register of adverse events involving corrupt behaviour.
- The internal auditor shall initiate an investigation into the matter, in the course of which it shall proceed, as appropriate, in accordance with metodického pokynu rektora č. 4/2024 Statut oddělení kontroly a interního auditu.
- According to the law n. 171/2023 Sb. o ochraně oznamovatelů is the internal auditor the competent person for receipt and assessment of notifications.